
Magazine Artist Page

2 pages 8.5 in x 11 in facing pages Spread format

Expression of high regard: respect —often used with pay
something that shows respect or attests to the worth or influence of another
tribute his long life filled with international homages to his unique musical talent — People


Shalala 6th Anniversary Poster

61 x 91 cm (24 in x 35.75 in)

Create an illustrated (Hexachrome or silkscreen) collage hat celebrates 6 years of Shalala Mountain View.
Start with individual images, which will be combined (or scanned) later into one piece of art.
Original images can be small, but need to be created in the same proportion and have the same stroke weight.

カリフォルニア州サンノゼにあるラーメン店Shalala ramenの6周年記念ポスター。

Shalala Seasonal Memu Flyer

11 in x 11 in

Create an illustrated poster of Shalala Mountain View Seasonal menu.
Start with individual images, which will be combined later.
Original images can be small and can contain any color, but need to be created to make customer feel “new.“

カリフォルニア州サンノゼにあるラーメン店Shalala ramenの期間限定メニューフライヤー。

Shalala Seasonal Memu Flyer

11 in x 11 in

Create an illustrated poster of Shalala Mountain View Seasonal menu.
Start with individual images, which will be combined later.
Original images can be small and can contain any color, but need to be created to make customer feel “new" and "Hip."

カリフォルニア州サンノゼにあるラーメン店Shalala ramenの期間限定メニューフライヤー。新しさ、若者らしさを表現。

Fruit or Vegetable Botanical Illustration

7inch x 7inch

Illustrate your botanical specimen as accurately as possible.(Flower, Leaf, Stem, Fruit or Vegetable)
Needed to research images and content. Using multipleimages to complete the project.
The project must have some personal and conceptual relevance. Family history, cultural association.


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